Community meeting Recap

Author: Adam Marshall - uncategorized - Aug. 26, 2022

Councilmembers Kinnear and Wilkerson Support a Development Moratorium; Work to be Done to Get the Rest of the City Council to Vote YES!

60 Latah Valley residents turned out on Tuesday night to listen, assess, and plan for the enactment of a development moratorium and Latah Valley district impact fees for new developments.

Highlights from the neighborhood gathering include:

Currently 16 significant development projects are in the pipeline for Latah Valley:
● 2 Construction in Progress
● 6 Approved
● 8 Various stages of the development process

This amounts to a staggering total of 2289 new homes!

Three political candidates shared views and support to the Latah Valley. Please see the video link supporting the Latah Valley
● Jenny Zappone
● Al French
● Maggie Yates


Spokane City Council representatives Kinnear and Wilkerson provided updates on:
● Drafting a moratorium
● Updating impact fees to pay for infrastructure from development
● Creating a new impact fee district for Latah Valley
● Answered questions

The council members agreed that they were both in support of a moratorium, but a super majority (5 of 7 voting members) would be needed to see the moratorium become a reality. This means 3 more city council members are needed to join Councilmember Kinnear and Wilkerson in voting YES to the moratorium.

CALV has been busy!
● Outreach efforts to organizations and groups
● Canvassing of neighborhoods - Come help connect with your neighbors
● Online petition (1400+ signatures) - Pushing for 1500!
● Neighborhood Rally (raised $1300+) and CALV established as a Non-Profit
● Launching of CALV website and marketing – through signs/banners/Facebook/ * website now able to accept on-line donations
● Rally at City Hall
● Open letter effort - Looking for individuals, organizations, and agencies to join us!

We are looking for volunteers to tackle projects related to:
● 1. Fundraising
● 2. Outreach/Events
● 3. Media/Communications

Join us on Wednesday, August 31st at 6pm (Zoom meeting) to learn more about how you can help. Please email for the Zoom link.


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